February 22, 2025

One ‘n only Argan Oil moisture repair Shampoo and Conditioner

Written by Sam
Prolong the life of your color-treated hair with the subject of today’s guest post from Sam.

Let me start off with a short description of my hair. It’s color-treated, relatively coarse, thick, and tends to take on the shape of a mushroom when it gets longer. Lovely, no?


I’m continuously on the hunt for shampoos and conditioners to fill a variety of needs: protecting my color, smoothing my strands, not adding any unnecessary volume or weight, and adding a bit of natural shine (not that gross shine that looks like a chef has been using your coiffure to season his wok). how demanding am I? No wonder I’m single…

So, with my pith helmet securely on my head and my trusty rifle tucked under my arm, I trooped off to Sally’s one day when my last round of hair products ran out. I had to take down the lioness-like saleswoman before I reached the hair aisle, but I finally found myself perusing the new arrivals, when I found a small display of One ‘n only products. I’ve used their Argan Oil Hair treatment before (a near ideal dupe for MorrocanOil, at a fraction of the cost! Can anybody say hooray for non-branded packaging?), and having been pretty pleased with the quality, I chose to take the dive and nab the matching shampoo ($9.49) and conditioner ($9.49). After having spent much more time arguing with the cashier than shopping, repeating relentlessly that I did not want to sign up for a Sally Card because I already had one, I headed home to try out my mini-haul.

By this time, it had been about a week because I had used a clarifying treatment on my hair (to remove the residue left from the relatively heavy Jonathan:Dirt cream-paste and Davines unwinding Fluid), and a day because I’d washed it, so these seemed like ideal conditions to put this stuff to the test.


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Stepping into the shower, I just let the water splay over my back for a minute or two. Don’t you just love that feeling of near-boiling hot water opening every pore on your body; little tendrils of steam wrapping themselves softly around your limbs, caressing your neck, offering a sensuous release from the tension outside the glass door? Don’t tell me you don’t, because I won’t believe you.

I started out with the shampoo, a slightly pearlescent, translucent gel, and squeezed about a quarter-sized amount into my hand. working it around between my palms, I expected frothy mini-bubbles, but none appeared because the product includes very few surfactants — chemicals which, while offering outstanding cleansing, strip color.

I worked it. and worked it. e niente. Not a single bubble. The gel had just turned slightly milky and a bit thinner. So, from the get-go, I was already skeptical. but I was prepared to difficult it out for the sake of testing (and the fact that there was no way I was stepping out into the frigid restroom this early).

I massaged the stuff into my hair, let it sit for two minutes (I have no idea why, and there is absolutely no evidence to support this, but my hair always feels cleaner if I let the shampoo sit for a bit) and washed it fuori. After recovering from the shock of the cold water running down my face, I really felt my hair. and it felt clean. Like, really clean. Near what it feels like after I use a clarifying treatment, but much, much smoother.

This was good. So I moved onto the conditioner. This stuff just seemed like your average conditioner — thick, white, and creamy. It spread surprisingly far and made my hair feel really slippery, certainly due in part to the few and various silicones in it. I busted out a quick showtune (“Defying Gravity” from Wicked — really helps the conditioner absorb better), rinsed, and stepped out from the tender embrace of the tiled sanctuary and into the cold, bleak bathroom.

Blotting my hair partially dry, I finished washing up, changed, and lounged around for a bit while I let it air-dry (which is so much better for it than using a blow dryer, ladies and gents). When it was about 60% dry, I ran my hands through my locks and immediately panicked entered my dark place. My hair felt coarse, piecey, and not whatsoever “moisturized” or “repaired”. Cosa è successo? Deep breathing saved me from hyperventilation, and I let it dry the rest of the way.

Tentatively, I reached my hands up to feel what I was sure was going to be the hairy equivalent of a barren wasteland and was shocked to feel soft, luscious, healthy hair! Rushing to a mirror, my reflection confirmed what my hands had already told me (I was assured that they were lying). My hair had movement; it looked luminous — but not greasy — and just overall healthy!

After having used this duo for over a month, I can certainly say that my color has never looked better this far from my last cut. barely any fading, and it still looks rich and multidimensional. e senza secchezza che può spesso verificarsi intorno al periodo di un mese dopo un colore. Non potrei essere più felice!

Profumo-saggio, sia lo shampoo che il condizionatore hanno lo stesso debole aroma di olio di argan. Non l’ha mai sentito? È difficile da descrivere, ma cade da qualche parte lungo la linea di nocciole cucinate lentamente in burro rosolato, con un pizzico di zucchero di canna scuro per creare una buona glassa, e qualche spezia morbida che porta in mente solo un accenno di una terra esotica dove il Il terreno è fatto di limo morbido, e gli alberi crescono in forme selvatiche, i loro rami snellati spacchettivano con foglie verdi le dimensioni dei dollari d’argento, accanto alle canne sottili che si piegano verso un ruscello chiaro e pulito la cui acqua si precipita giocosamente sopra il pesce mutevole e le pietre silenziose.


O qualcosa di simile…

Il profumo è mite, ma certamente lì, e un suggerimento di esso rimane sulle serrature per un’ora o giù di lì dopo che si asciugano, una vera esperienza sensoriale da godere.

Quindi, ha la mia ricerca per lo shampoo e il condizionatore ideale, arrivano alla fine? Forse. Questi due si occupano praticamente con ogni problema che affronto. Naturalmente, testimonterò ancora nuovi prodotti per le recensioni-sake, ma penso che sarò difficile da trovare per trovare tutto ciò che può sostituirli.

Scritto da Sam.
Sam è un uomo di 17 anni e stranamente alto il cui amore di tutte le cose skincare, il trucco e la moda iniziarono quando entrò nel mondo della modellazione a 14 anni. Perché allora si è riconosciuto come un truccatore freelance nel teatro e i mondi della moda e ha iniziato il proprio blog per predicare le meraviglie dell’ombretto arancione, della pelle d’occhio asiatica e delle fragranze del designer alle masse.

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